
Friday, 18 November 2011

About TAC for Maybank2u.com

With the use of TAC (Transaction Authorisation Code), you are assured with a stronger security when you make transactions online. Maybank is the first Malaysian bank to introduce this additional safety feature - a unique 6-digit code that will be a mandatory requirement for certain transactions on Maybank2u.com

What is Transaction Authorisation Code (TAC) ?
TAC is a 6-digit code that will be a mandatory requirement for certain online transactions, other than the "username" and "password" you. When you visit the website Maybank2u.com, the TAC will form a second layer of authentication / identification.

TAC is an additional safety measure to reduce the risk of online

HOW TAC work?
  • You need the TAC to continue certain online transactions.
  • You must request for TAC before carrying out the transaction.
  • TAC is unique and can only be used with "username" and "password" of the applicant.
  • TAC will expire after 24 hours if it is not used, and once you activate the TAC, it is only valid for 2 hours.
  • If TAC expired or you have forgotten your 6-digit code, you can apply for a new TAC.
    WHEN TAC required?
    TAC is required for certain online transksi the internet as shown below :

    Transaksi & Aktiviti
    • Transfer money to a 3rd party account | To open a 3rd party account (immediate and future)
    • Maintenance of a 3rd party account | Add new beneficiary.
    • Inter-bank transfer (GIRO) | Transferring money to the beneficiary (the immediate and future) who are not in the list.
    • Maintenance of inter-bank GIRO | Add a new beneficiary
    • Maintenance of ESI | Add-3 transfer to the account or add bills.
    • Open Payment | Company selected payee (san immediate payment in the future)
    • Registration bill | Company selected payee
    In addition to the above transactions, the TAC is not required for other transactions in Maybank2u.com.
    The latest information can be found at www.maybank2u.com.

    * You need to register only once TAC various third-party account or select an appreciable portion of the bill. After that, the transaction has been registered does not require TAC. You only need to add TAC again if bills and accounts.

    For inquiries, please call 03-7844 3666
    or visit www.maybank2u.com.my

    HOW to get the TAC?
    It is so easy to get the TAC, especially for mobile users. You can apply at Maybank2u.com and receive TAC via SMS. You can also choose to apply through the KawanKu ATM or KawanKu Phone Banking.
    You can get the TAC via three ways:
    Option 1 - SMS from Maybank2u.com
    Option 2 - Kawanku ATM
    Option 3 - Kawanku Phone Banking

    Pilihan 1
    Bagaimana mendapatkan TAC melalui SMS dari Maybank2u.com?
    * To receive TAC via mobile phone (SMS), you must register your cell phone number at any Kawanku ATM or Kawanku Phone Banking. Please refer to Option A and B.
    • Layari Maybank2u.com dan masukkan "username" dan "password"
    • Pilih "TAC Request" di "Utilities"
    • Klik "Request TAC now"
    • TAC yang unik akan dihantar ke telefon bimbit anda melalui SMS
    Pilihan 2
    Bagaimana untuk mendapatkan TAC melalui Kawanku ATM?
    Insert your ATM Card and Pin, then select :
    Perkhidmatan Maybank2u > Permohonan Maybank2u TAC > Ambil resit sebagai rujukan

    Pilihan 3
    Bagaimana untuk mendapatkan TAC melalui Kawanku Phone Banking?
    Anda mesti seorang pengguna berdaftar Kawanku Phone Banking
    • Hubungi Kawanku Phone Banking di 1300-88-66-88 atau 603-7844 3696 jika anda berada di luar negara.
    • Pilih bahasa, masukkan nombor laluan dan PIN anda
    • Pilih "1" untuk Kawanku Phone Banking
    • Pilih "13" untuk Permohonan TAC Mayban2u
    • TAC anda akan diumumkan melalui telefon

    BAGAIMANA untuk mendaftar nombor telefon bimbit anda?
    Anda boleh mula menerima TAC melalui SMS ketika berada di rumah atau di pejabat dengan mengikuti prosedur yang hanya perlu dilakukan sekali sahaja.

    Pilihan A
    di Kawanku ATM
    Masukkan kad ATM dan nombor PIN anda, kemudian pilih:
    Perkhidmatan Maybank2u > Daftar TAC Telefon Bimbit > Masukkan Nombor Telefon Bimbit Anda > Ya

    Pilihan B
    melalui Kawanku Phone Banking
    • Hubungi Kawanku Phone Banking di 1300-88-66-66 atau 603-7844 3696 jika anda berada di luar negara
    • Pilih bahasa, masukkan nombor laluan dan PIN anda
    • Pilih "1" untuk Kawanku Phone Banking
    • Pilih "14" untuk Pendaftaran Telefon Bimbit untuk TAC
    • Kemudian pilih "01" untuk mendaftar atau menukar nombor telefon bimbit (atau pilih "02" untuk membatalkan nombot telefon bimbit anda)


      Unknown said...

      Tukar nombor phone ke nombor phone baru...karna nombor baru tak dapat pakai lagi...