
Saturday, 21 January 2012

1st Payment : PapaBux

Minimum Payout $0.50

First payment from PapaBux

Hehe. This PapaBux payment I got about 15th January. But I forgot to update it. Yup, same admin with Earnism, New1Bux, ForceBux and Universe-Bux. I think I take a longer time to get the payment from PapaBux because their per click rate value is too low and I took about a month to reach the minimum requirement which is $0.50

Same with New1Bux too, this site has made some changes which give less per click value. Maybe it was my last payment with PapaBux because I think its too hard to reach the minimum. I want to upgrade but I think its difficult for me. Not because stingy but I have some reasonable causes. What is it? If you want to know, please do not hesitate to register --> PapaBux

UPDATE : This site was closed